Holly's Tacky Christmas Lights

6619 Heidi Ct, McLean



Honorable Mention No: VV   Link to Google Map
Address: 6619 Heidi Ct, McLean, Va 22101
Description: On - Dec 31, 5p-12a. Off for rain, wet, windy conditions.
Two displays in one. A display that is unique on two different streets. The front (Heidi) is quite the Clark Griswold sight with two giant snowmen. Some deer and inflatables are in the yard.
Visit the back (Heather Brook Ct) for the rest of the display. The rear display features lots of white lights, well-lit angels, candy cane and giant Joy cutouts; a nativity backlit by light trees in different colors. The end of the cul-de-sac is marked with two long strands of raining-icicle blue lights.



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